With a busy schedule last week, I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked in my sewing room. I guess a few more squares is better than none!!! Monday I am planning to spend most of the day pressing, cutting, cutting and more cutting my western stash. I wish I could find some pictures of someone that has made the Cowboy Days quilt by Black Cat Creations.....or even had a picture from the one that was in the quilt shop way back when. Keep your fingers crossed Monday will be a quilty day for me!!!
Ohhhhh and before I go, I must share my exciting news!!! My new work schedule is going to allow me to attend my local quilt guild and if you can't tell my my post, I am absolutely so excited about this. When I was self teaching myself to quilt, the ladies at the quilt shop and quilt guild helped me so much and I cannot wait to get back in the group and learn from them!!!
Midweek check-in
1 hour ago