I joined Pay if Forward with http://jillysspace.blogspot.com/
The idea is PIF occurs when acts of kindness is done without expecting anything in return & passed on, trusting that the recpients will do the same & PIF. this is a never ending chain of kindness.
By signing on, my commitment is to make the 1st three friends who post a comment to this post requesting to join this exchange & promise to PIF to 3 other persons & so on. My gifts will be made by me & I will send it to you within 365 days. You will need to annonce your commitment on YOUR blog.
Now I need 3 recepients....Come on and joing me and Pay It Forward!!! I am so excited and cannot wait to see who joins in the fun :)
Hi Kathy...can you email me please?
How are you making out with your new sewing room??